Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Magdalene Hope Ministry UPDATE!!! from last night. Did a visit to start the night at 3B with "Kay" where they are observing her after thoughts of suicide from being raped:( so tragic! Prayed for her we will be back tonight. Visited with "Maggie" in her room and prayed for her and the area drug dealer. Then off to Unio...n Ave "Carnation District" where we handed out 7 gift bags in 15 mins.

We meet Nani, Christina, Terry, Linda, Toni aka T.K., Michele, and Tina. All but one appeared to be high which is usually the case. Hard to do what these women do sober. Please pray for all of them. Most were out trying to make rent and the......n getting in from the cold. Probably 45 degrees with a wind chill factor of 15. We ministered to all these women in about 15 mins. T.K. shared that her puppy had been beaten yesterday and that it had died. We prayed for her and when we were done she had tears in her eyes. God's presents was in that prayer and with us everywhere we went last night. Spent 30 mins with Kay and Maggie each. Long night with a lot of fruit. Oh yeah drug dealer to pray for is T.T. and she is a woman.

Thank you for partnering with us in prayer and finances. God Bless:)

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