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I wanted to share with you a visit I made the other day with one of our Girls.
I think it is fitting to call our Clients "Maggie's" short for Magdalene. Not only that but this "Maggie" name is the name of one of our FIRST MH girls we outreached to in the Ministry so that name is very fitting. I am going to propose that to the Leader man Doug B.
So we have been working with this Maggie for a while now, we lost touch with her and got back in touch with her again. The last time we got in contact with her she had been very sick and qualified for Disability. We thought YES!!! Let's get her application in. Well, she is taking the steps she needs to be approved for Disability, she wont have to prostitute if she gets these funds. But more importantly, she made a few very powerful successes in her life since we 1st met.
- This lady "Loved Crack" Loved it very much, it was more important than anything else in her life and could not even imagine her life without it. She commented the day of the visit that she doesn't like it anymore. After Decades of crack use, she says she can no longer enjoy her high anymore and she regrets every time she uses it. She stated that it wont be long till she is off completely.
- After the Dr.'s appointment we took her to, I invited her to eat dinner. Not a drive thru or a taco stand she is used to. I took her to a Nice Mexican Restaurant. She wasn't used to being in nice places. I asked her why she was so scarred to go? she said Cause, I don't want people to see me and I want to go home so I can share my food with my friends at the hotel. So, we entered the restaurant and she curled up in the corner of the booth hoping to be unseen, she kept looking for the cheapest meal and I explained to her that she could order whatever she wanted she still checked all the prices before she chose and then ordered something similar to what I ordered. As we waited for our meal to arrive she nervously looked around the room and I started to talk to her about her plans in life, goals, dreams things like that. One question I really wanted to know about was "What kind of man would you marry?" Maggie's response was "Who's going to marry me? Men are all abusers, I am never going to marry nobody, who's going to marry me anyway? No, Amy I am never getting married" I said, "well, they don't all hit women you know you just have to spend time with them and learn what kind of person they are and you'll see there are men out there that are sweet and kind and will love you", she said "No, they are all tricks I don't believe in Love like that it only gets you hurt" We talked about a lot of other things that night till her Hotel family called her and told her she needed to hurry up and get home to make money to pay her room for the night, the Owners were looking for her.
Magdalene Hope goes beyond just handing a bag of goodies to someone on the street and telling them that God loves them. It's more than paying a night at their room so they don't have to stand on a corner all night till they made enough money to survive off of that day. It's about building connections sending out a fishing line and snatching these women out of the swamp of a lifestyle they are in. Showing them fresh water to live in so to speak. That goes beyond just handing out a gift bag every other week and saying Jesus Loves you! We have to show it!
What are the things that you would do with someone you want to marry someday?
Do you ask them to marry you the first day you meet them? No!
You get to know them, You date them or Court them.....
You build a bond to them, they learn to trust you when they need you and they fall in love.
It's not enough to think that the Lifestyle of living for God is attractive. They have to fall in Love with the One who will propose Marriage that can save their life!