This fourth of July weekend, I was blessed with a trip to Davis, CA to visit some very special people.
I visited my "spiritual family" from college. They took me in when I was in a very rough patch in life. I spewed anger and threw fits in incredible states of brokenness but they never gave up on me. They knew the love of Jesus and a stable family was the only thing that could restore me.
No matter where I am with them, I can call it home. They have relentlessly pointed me to Jesus the past four years with every aspect of their lives. How they discipline their children, how they react to conflict, how they spend their time, what food they eat, how they live out their daily-life tasks with loving endurance (three young kids can be a handful)...
I always see Jesus when I am with them.
And I hope I can do the same in my life. I want to live as passionately and missionally as they do. I hope to be a bright, shining banner leading women to Christ with my time here at Magdalene Hope. If I fail at everything else but still show these women Christ, then I have succeeded.
Nothing else matters in this life because the glory doesn't go to me.
Our time here is short so lets live it the way Jesus commanded.
This is how lives get transformed. This is how hearts get softened.
Be a bright, shining banner leading others to Jesus!
"So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples." -John 13:34-35